30 Jan 2008
logical things
my chemical romance is not that awesome, anyway
there's only few of their songs are the most played songs of my iPod
i didn't really get touched when i give those songs another listen
i only love the way they dressed, the way they act on stage
their songs don't have that much chemistry with me
i don't think they're way better than anything
i don't cry until i decided to give away the ticket for my bestest friend
my bestest friend need the damn ticket anyway, what can i say?
the day before the show, i was listening to their songs and i just don't get it
the fuckest feeling ever, was the one for Fall Out Boy
i cried a lot. a container of tears fell down
and when i thought i'll cry once more, here, on My Chemical Romance
but then i don't. such a freak
but thanks God for letting me to give away my ticket
please God, keep me save
i wish i don't cry tomorrow
the last (logically) reason for me not to get on the show is:
that my best friend cried while i am enjoying Fall Out Boy's concert last year
now it's my turn to take those tears, have fun sweet heart :)
corpsman ; Wednesday, January 30, 2008
much better to love than to be loved, i guess
hello, my cutest bestfriend.
terima kasih ya buat semuanya
this ticket means nothing but my love
it's just you, make me wonder how it feels like
aku tau kok rasanya ga bisa nonton
sedih itu sudah bukan di dada lagi, ada di kepala
air mata turun tanpa basa basi
bisa di sana bisa di sini
tau tidak, kenapa kubuang begitu saja kertas tipis itu
kuberikan kepadamu?
berharap rasa terimakasih ku terbalaskan oleh itu
oleh lembaran tipis yang kau dambakan, namun tak lebih dari beberapa helai uang untukku
bila dibandingkan dengan semua jasamu, anggap saja itu dp ku
aditya yessika alana, hati-hati ya nonton mcr nya
jangan sampe ketelen orang moshing, jangan mental jauh-jauh
i love youuu
Labels: heavy (enough) thoughts, who told you who?
corpsman ; Wednesday, January 30, 2008
27 Jan 2008
long way to heaven, sir

good afternoon, autobots
it's 13:10, and you're finally gone
big holes are made here, in the earth of Indonesia
some made by sadness and others are happiness remaining
it's been hardly years for you to take the lead
terimakasih pak, sudah buat Indonesia sempat berjaya
buat kami makan tanpa dupa
tanpa bapak, kami tak ada
lain lagi bilang bapak tak pernah merasa
betapa merana kami simpan di dada
tanpa senyum hanya asap c02
belajar pun terasa hampa
terimakasih untuk tiga puluh dua tahun yang berharga
ajarkan kami rasanya berada
sehingga tau apa itu tak punya
sakit memang sakit
dengar pisau itu menusuk telinga
bawakan kami kabar layaknya gang sempit
buat kami merintih hingga diapit senja
pak harto, terimakasih atas semuanya
maafkan kami atas dosa mu
biarkan kami mengampuni, bila itu memang salahmu
yang ku tau, kau tetap pahlawanku
look at the brightside, never the dark ones. if so, you'll find nobody as bright as you.
corpsman ; Sunday, January 27, 2008
buku bilang aku tak perlu tau

halo, buku.
banyak aku ingin tau
tapi sanggup apa mataku, melihat wajahmu saja ku tak mampu
untung saja aku tidak bisu.
cukup teriak ku membutuhkanmu
rak itu penuh buku, malas tapi aku buka walaupun satu
bisa tidak, hanya ku lihat lalu ku tau?
bisa tidak aku teriak lalu menjadi tabu?
bilang saja kalau aku tampak sayu
aku ingin kalian semua tau
mereka bukan lagi sahabatku
mereka bilang aku bau
bau itu begitu mengganggu
bilang lagi aku itu sok tau
hanya mereka tak tau isi hatiku, betapa pilu
halo buku,
kau temani aku lewati liburan di sepi
kau dengarkan aku merintih seperti sapi
biarkan saja dia walau tidak menanggapi,
katamu jangan dibuat peduli
buku, katakan padaku siapa yang jadi
katakan padaku kapan kau peluk aku kembali
ketika si baling datang sambil membawa putih
aku tak tau dan tak mengerti
untuk apa sebenarnya aku di sini?
halo buku, biarkan aku sendiri
tapi jangan, nanti aku sedih lagi
buku, katakan lagi padaku apa yang perlu diperbaiki
jendelaku kah yang terlalu kecil bercelah?
ataukah mereka yang terlalu besar untuk membelah
mereka itu dulu sahabatku
sekarang aku tak tau
masihkah begitu?
Labels: who told you who?
corpsman ; Sunday, January 27, 2008
Will God Bless All this Party with Lights and Colors tonight?
I hope He will, be because I was feeling a pleasure to watch people burn their money for free as those shits. I don’t know, I was like “wow, cool” while at the moment, I saw pictures are sliding all over my mind, as they go through my memories of 2007.
Wew. It’s crazy, I think. Kayak semua yang gue udah laluin keliatan lagi, then suddenly everything went blur, and I just couldn’t stop my tears from pouring down. And that was sucks. So on, I start to avoid windows and keep my self locked in room. I just force my mind to tell my self that I have no more tears, it has been too many times since I lost it a lot, since 2007 was a great living moment for problems and shits.
But then I hear the sounds.
The sounds of those fireworks are shit, men. They keep me in my own world, the one that makes me cry a lot the whole fuckin year. And I keep remembering my days, bad ones. And I absolutely can’t walk through you with my chest raised high up to the sky and tell you that I am having such the best year of my life. I fucked that one up.
So then I am trying to get my vision out. I am trying to get my hearing off of my self. But then I fucked it all up again. I couldn’t make sure what I want, what I need and what I should do.
Weew. Such a pleasure to watch the sky’s party, with it’s own parade, made me feel a lot like loser. but I am (really) afraid that God will hate us so much that we (all) haven’t been such a god citizens, haven’t pray enough, haven’t love each other enough, and haven’t remembering Him enough to make Him love us that much. So then I know why would I cry on these stupid crazy things, it is all because I love Him so much and I can’t let my self throw a party while the others are starving and crying. I just can’t let that happen to me. Well, I Love You, God.
Ya Allah, bless me with in your power, your love and carry me wherever I go. I need You and You know that. And all I want from now on is for You to be with me whenever, wherever, and whatever happens to me. Once more time and on, I REALLY LOVE YOU A LOT, GOD. Be with me the whole 2008. give me another pleasure next year and I promise You I’ll do my best here and on. Make my country a better place to live, and forgive our sins, please.
Labels: heavy (enough) thoughts
corpsman ; Sunday, January 27, 2008